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Clare Russell
Jan 17, 20243 min read
Creating Emotional Stability
Being consistent in your dog training can make all the difference, especially working with adolescent, anxious or overwhelmed dogs

Clare Russell
Jan 16, 20244 min read
Cues - How to Create Clear Communication between You and Your Dog
It is highly rewarding when you feel your dog understands you, and that you can communicate with each other.

Clare Russell
Dec 7, 20233 min read
Come Back! Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called
Why the classroom 'recall' doesn't always work in the park

Clare Russell
Feb 14, 20234 min read
Building and Strengthening Your Relationship
Commitment to the relationship with your dog will help you build a bond which in turn will build trust and confidence in each other.

Clare Russell
Feb 6, 20233 min read
Is your dog dominant or depressed?
Conversation about dog’s suffering with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety or depression.

Clare Russell
Jan 19, 20233 min read
Adventures in Scenting
It wasn't just a learning adventure for Dave though, I found myself learning some new skills and brushing up my existing skills

Clare Russell
Dec 15, 20223 min read
Using the Learning Cycle to build confidence in your anxious dog
Using the Learning Cycle to build confidence in your anxious dog

Clare Russell
Dec 13, 20223 min read
Do you need more than one session?
Which issues when resolved will make the biggest difference to your life. Which changes will be most beneficial to your dog?

Clare Russell
Nov 22, 20225 min read
Teaching your Dog to be Calm
How to go about teaching your dog to be calm

Clare Russell
Nov 14, 20224 min read
Transferable Skills - Confidence Building for Sensitive Dogs
Teaching sensitive and reactive dogs the skills they need to cope away from the stressors

Clare Russell
Oct 26, 20225 min read
Fireworks! - How To Help Your Dog Cope
You are the expert on your dog, you know what they need to feel better. Educate yourself then trust your instincts.

Clare Russell
Oct 15, 20224 min read
Dealing with Problem Barking
When fence, gate and door barking is making your life difficult Barking is normal dog communication. Dogs use barks to communicate their...

Clare Russell
Oct 1, 20223 min read
Is It Play or Hunting Practice?
When we use the term play to describe the herding behaviour of collies it prevents us from acknowledging what is happening.

Clare Russell
Sep 23, 20223 min read
Confident dogs and Confident people can create magic together, confidence is the spark for the relationship we dreamed of with our dog.

Clare Russell
Sep 20, 20223 min read
Why Adding Structure to a Training Session helps your Reactive Dog
These are all key skills that dogs need to be able to walk on a lead without pulling, barking, spinning or biting, making life easy and safe

Clare Russell
Aug 26, 20224 min read
Familiarisation or Socialisation? Which does your dog need?
Assessment periods in a young dog are moments of learning, be quiet, let the dog learn

Clare Russell
Aug 26, 20224 min read
Social Interaction With Other Dogs
Some dogs are excellent at giving and receiving social information and some are not.

Clare Russell
Aug 12, 20224 min read
Thank your dog for growling - why growling is a safe form of canine communication
Growling is information that the environment needs to change

Clare Russell
Aug 8, 20225 min read
Socialisation - what is appropriate for your dog?
From my experience when people want their dog ‘to be good with other dogs’ they need the dog to demonstrate a range of skills that have...

Clare Russell
Aug 4, 20224 min read
What does the scent of food cue for your dog?
Reactive dogs in particular benefit from a carefully planned and well structured session. The gap between delivery and stillness is critical
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